Become an Introducing Broker: What Is It and How Do I Start?

The Introducing Broker (IB) program allows companies and individuals to earn commissions by promoting broker services to traders. Normally, if you want to trade CDFs, an Introducer Broker would advise you to invest in CFD brokers or contact a Broker who only manages that type of product.

However, you can become an introducing broker at Tradeview Markets and have a broader range of recommendations. You can become a broker for US Stocks and Chicago Stock Exchange Futures as well as CFDs. Tradeview Markets is one of the best brokers out there that provides fund security and is regulated in multiple jurisdictions. 

An introducer broker (IB) becomes a commercial ally of a broker. The individual / company applies to be an introducer broker (IB) and the  agreeing (Broker) agrees to grant commissions to the IB for each operation that its clients execute in the financial markets. This commission is determined by the size of the market operation, not by the deposits made by clients in their personal accounts.

Three ways to start being an Introducer Broker

  1. Money Manager

If you are currently a trader with a successful strategy, it is time to put your skills to work for the people around you by charging a percentage of your profits. As a money manager, you have the opportunity to assist investors with no trading experience in generating returns. 

You will also have the opportunity to demonstrate your market knowledge and explain the risks associated with trading volatile markets through a MAM account at Tradeview Markets.

A MAM account gives your clients complete control over their money and the ability to make decisions at any time. You are never the owner of the money as the money manager. You are only the owner and solely responsible for the operations you carry out in the financial markets via a central account into which you will have linked the funds of all your clients.

Become an Introducing Broker Partner with Tradeview Markets

The commissions Tradeview Markets pays you for each operation are the result of these operations. Tradeview Markets pays out the percentage that corresponds to you at the end of each month or quarter, based on what you agreed with your clients. 

The commission is calculated based on the profits transferred automatically to your Introducer Broker account as a result of the success of your operations.

  1. Trading Coach

If you are already a profitable trader and are also passionate about education, you could consider starting an online trading academy.  You can use a demo account to make virtual trades in stocks, options, futures, and CFDs on the various platforms that Tradeview Markets provides.

When you and your students are ready, they can begin testing their demo account strategies with your trading advice on a real account.

Tradeview Markets shares a percentage of the spread that your students are charged for each trade that they execute in the financial markets with you. Our liquidity providers offer some of the lowest spreads in the market.

  1. Trading Advisor

Maybe you’re not a trader but you already have experience investing with money managers, trading bots, trading signals, among others. In that case, you can begin recommending your successful strategies to your clients so that they can be implemented in a Tradeview Markets account.

Now that you have half a game won, capitalize on your investment knowledge and guide others to get started in this amazing world of trading in financial markets through Tradeview Markets

Author: Francisco Valderrabano 

Business Analyst





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