Fastest Growing & Best Social Trading Communities for Traders to Join

Fastest Growing & Best Social Trading Communities for Traders to Join

Alltraders, beginner and experienced, can benefit from making part of atrading community. To sum up, trading communities can be anything from a local group of friends, a massive group on Telegram, Reddit, or Facebook to a forum dedicated towards the subject. Because of the power of social media, the creation and success ofonline trading communitieshas paned out impressively, and at the forefront of these digitalized communities aresocial trading networks.

Like other social media platforms,eachsocial trading platformshave their own characteristics making them unique from the rest. Some may be more complex than others, yet they all have the same objective, which is to connect traders around the world empowering them to help each other grow, but we covered this in anearlier article. That being said, let’s take a look at some of the most popular, fastest-growing platforms out there as well as a brief summary as to why they’re growing at the rate they are.

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The TradeGATEHub Community

TradeGateHub has become a center where knowledge, motivation, and a sense of discovery meet through a display of talents of its users. This is because it’s a platform built by traders, for traders.

Moreover, withTradeGateHubyou can discover investment ideas and showcase your talents to one of the most experienced trading communities. As mentioned before in previous articles, what makes a social trading network worthwhile are the members of the community. If the members are active and share valuable information, therefore, the trading community is strong.

In the case of TradeGATEHub’s members, there are traders with more than 20 years of experience sharing valuable content on hot stock tips, market insights, and live trading sessions on the channel every day. You’ll find articles to guide you with Trading, you can also create charts and share them in the trading room, and much more. And the best part of it all: IT’S FREE!

Trade Gate Hub has different Forums where you can participate:

  • Trades Hideout(Trading Groups, Trading Education, Trading Psychology, and Money Management, Trading Journals).
  • Trading Systems(Technical Indicators, and Other Tools, Automated Trading, and Expert Advisors, Trading Strategies).
  • Comunidad(Trading Reviews and Vendors, Trader Pub Meeting, Off-Topic).

With Trade Gate Hub you have access to educational content and webinars, look at Forex, Commodities, Crypto, Indices and stock market fluctuations, charts and market movements as well as Trading Top News, and the Trading Room where you can participate along with experts.

Aussie Stock Forums – In Australia

Aussie Stock Forum, or ASX, is a discussion forum for Australian stock market investors in this community to discuss all about ASX shares as well as all aspects of investing. One of the main aspects you should look for in online trading communities is user activity. Aussie Stock Forums has a very active user base with knowledgeable members that share valuable insights.

It has a space for traders to start conversations and 2 main Trading / Investing Resources:

  • Brokers
  • Software and Data Forex Trading Communities has specialized Forex Forums. Their user coverage is worldwide and they offer educational services as well. Some of the main discussion topics are:

  • Beginner Questions(Candlesticks, Chart Patterns, and Action Price, Trading Psychology).
  • Trading Discussion(Currencies, Economics, Risk Management Practices, Trade Journals, Trading Lifestyle, Binary Options).
  • Trading Systems(Free Forex Trading Systems, Expert Advisor, and Automated Trading).
  • Comunidad(Introduce Yourself, Member Spotlight, Trader Q&As, The Honorary Members Club, Announcement, Community Feedback, Trader Meetups).
  • Broker Discussion(Forex Brokers).
  • Trading Tech and Tools(MarketMilk).
  • Bitcoin Talk and Cryptocurrencies(Cryptocurrency In The News, Bitcoin Discussion, Altcoin Discussion).
  • Global Markets(Commodities, Oil, and Gold, Stocks, and Indices, Bonds, and Interest Rates).
  • Commercial Content(Press Release, Broker Support, Analysts, Trading Signals, Scam Stories).
  • The Lobby

The Bear Bull Traders Forum

TheBear Bull TradersForum focuses on Daily Trading. Its main forum topics are:

  • Member Introduction & Meetups(Know each other and plan in-person meetings).
  • Day Trading(Everything related to Day Trading).
  • Swing Trading(This is our Swing Trading forum where discussion of swing trades will take place).
  • Options Trading(Options Trading Forum to discuss Options Knowledge, Strategies, and Tools).
  • Forex and Currency Markets(Discussion about the forex market).
  • Trading Psychology(Best practices for trading psychology).
  • Off-Topic(Discussions unrelated to the markets).
  • Success Webinar Questions(Ask questions before and after our weekly Success Webinars).
  • BTT en Español(Espacio para que los Miembros de habla hispana en BBT compartan sobre day trading, brinden y reciban apoyo, hagan sus preguntas y juntos formemos una comunidad de day traders exitosos!).
  • Forum Support(Post your queries and feedback regarding the Forum).
  • BBT Traders Challenge(Post any questions or issues you have about the BBT Trader’s Challenge or DAS-related questions in here).


Beeradvocateoffers different forums for traders to interact with each other and share content making it one the most interactive communities online. These are some of the main forums:

  • Trade Value Thread
  • Trade gone wrong!!
  • Canceling an accepted trade
  • Frequent trade posters
  • Looking for feedback on a recent trade Forum

TheBinary Optionsis a community with more than 20,000 members. Traders discuss trading strategies as well as brokers, signals, and scams. Among the main Forums, Traders may find:

  • Golden Rules for Nubbies / Noobs
  • $100 (ETH) Offer
  • Open Warning to all scammers/scammers and SEO
  • Frauds & Scammers!
  • Binary Options Trading in the UK
  • Is it really easy to make money?
  • Can sip make you rich?

Elite Trader Forums

Elite Trader Forumsis a group with more than 91,519 financial traders that help each other work through trading profitably. Members fast, develop new relationships, and avoid costly mistakes through daily collaboration. Currently, there are over 250.000 discussion threads containing more than 4 million posts.

ClicktoTweet: On the Trading Communities there are general forums as well as ones that focus on specific markets.

FX Gears

FX Gearsis a Professional forex trading forum for discretionary, systematic, and Algo traders. It has a space for Recent Posts and the following main Forums:

  • Tools to Trade(Execution Platforms, Indicators, and Charting).
  • Tradings( Live Trading Chat Room, Interactive Trading, Systems, and Methods, Development and Psychology, The On Professionalism Thread Series, Trading Journals, Automated Traders).
  • Brokers and Services(Brokers, 3rd Party Services).
  • Off-Topic(Community Chat, Introductions).
  • Site Support(News and Announcements, feedback).

Reddit – Forex Trading Community

Reddit hosts many subreddit covering topics from across all interests. So it should come to no surprise that there are subreddits dedicated to trading, inReddit Forex Trading Community you can converse about trading ideas, strategies, trading psychology, and nearly everything in between. Traders have access to live chats, publications, and book recommendations. Reddit has one of the largest forex chat rooms run by professional traders.

As covered around the world one of the most famous trading-related subreddits is Wall Street Bets. Early in 2021, this subreddit made the headlines as users collectively decided to short squeeze GameStop shares as well as other securities which had major financial consequences for hedge funds shorting this stock

Steady Options Forum

SteadyOptionsis an options trading forum where you can find solutions from top options traders. It has a general board where traders can start different discussions and share information.


InStockaholicstraders can find top-ranked stock market message boards, educational tools, and trading resources. Stockaholics forums are the following:

  • General Forums(Stocks Market Today, Stocks Message Boards NYSE, NASDAQ, AMEX, Penny Stocks, Canadian Stock Message Boards, International Stock Market, Trade Journals, Investing, Personal Finance, TIFU, Futures Trading, Crypto Forum, Vendors, Brokers & Product Services).
  • Comunidad ( The Cocktail Lounge, New Member Introductions, Forum Support).
  • Stock Market Education (Ask any question, Educational videos, and material).

Trade2Win – In the UK

Trade2Winor T2W is The UK’s leading financial trading forum since 2001. It has over 108.000 threads, and more than 271.000 members. On it traders can find different chat rooms as the following

  • Reception(New to Trade2Win, First Steps, General Trading Chat, Trading Journals).
  • Markets(Stocks and ETFs, Index Futures, Forex, Commodity Futures & Money Markets, Options, and Cryptocurrencies).
  • Methods(Discretionary Trading, Swing & Position Trading, Technical Analysis, Economic & Fundamental Analysis, Psychology, Risk & Money Management, Coding & Algorithmic Trading, Data Sets & Feeds).
  • Trading Career(Home Trader, Trading Firms, Techies Corner, Meetups, For Sale & Wanted).
  • Commercial(Daily Analysis, Trading Software, Trading Indicators & System, Educational Resources, Brokers, Spread Bettings & CFDs, Sports & Fixed Odds Betting, Darwinex Forum).
  • Off the Grid(T2W Feedback & Announcements, Specialist Cortner). Forums – In India Forums is made for all kinds of traders and investors interested in Indian stocks commodities & forex. It has more than 195.000 and over 60.500 threads. The forums are displayed by main topics. So Traders can choose the one that suits them best:

  • Trading and Investing(Beginner’s guide, General Trading, and Investing Guide).
  • The Markets(Equities, Commodities, Forex, Derivatives, etc.).
  • Methods and Strategies(Fundamental Analysis, Technical Analysis, Advances Trading Strategies, Trading Diary, Algo and Automated Trading, Risk and Money Management, Trading Psychology, Words, and Wisdom).
  • IPO’s, Mutual Funds, and EFT’s(Initial Public Offers (IPO’s), Mutual Funds discussion Forum, Exchange Traded Funds).
  • Tools and Resources(Software, Data Feeds, Trading Resources, Brokers & Trading Programs, Investors Grievances, Insurance & Loans, Taxation Matters, Tech Corner, Development of Software Utilities, Trading Career, and Jobs).
  • Member Forum(Member Discussion Forums).
  • Community Centre(General Chit Chat, Your Feedback, and Suggestions).

Traders Laboratory;

Traders Laboratoryhas a General Trading Forum where users can create new topics, share information and ask questions. Its main forums are:

  • Welcome to Traders Laboratory(Beginners Forum, General Trading, Traders Log, General Discussion, Announcements, and Support).
  • The Markets(Market News & Analysis, E-mini Futures, Forex, Futures, Stocks, Options, Spread Betting & CFDs).
  • Technical Topics(Technical Analysis, Automated Trading, Coding Forum, Swing Trading, and Position Trading, Market Profile, The Wyckoff Forum, Volume Spread Analysis, The Candlestick Corner, Market Internals, Day Trading and Scalping, Risk & Money Management, Trading Psychology).
  • Trading Resources(Indicators, Brokers and Data Feeds – Including Ninja Trader, Open E Cry, TradeStation, and LinnSoft -, Products and Services – Including Ultimate Trade Analyzer and TradePoint Software -, Tools, The Market Place, Commercial Content, Listing, and Reviews – Including Broker, Books, and Forex Broker Reviews, Software Platforms, Books and Trading Videos -, Trading Dictionary, Trading Articles – Including The Markets, Tech Analysis, Forex, Psychology, Trading, Futures, Options, and Bonds).

Zerodha -Trading Q&A

TheTrading Q&Ais a question-and-answer site for all things related to trading and stock markets. These are the Forum categories:

  • Technical Analysis
  • F&O
  • General
  • Trading
  • Mutual Funds & ETFs
  • Bonds
  • Algos, strategies, code
  • Taxation
  • Stocks
  • Streak – Backtesting
  • Sentinel
  • Fundamental Analysis
  • Creators
  • Brokers
  • AMA (Ask Me Anything)
  • Commodities
  • Industry Insights
  • Nifty & Bank Nifty Discussions
  • Bitcoin & Crypto
  • Site Feedback
  • Inside Zerodha- Videos
  • Trivia

Now that you know about Fastest Growing Communities visitTradeGateHubandget started!



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