Do Rugby and the Business World Go Hand in Hand?

An illustration depicting a football inside a briefcase, symbolizing the intersection of rugby and the business world.

“A stumble is not a fall. In both rugby and business, resilience, teamwork, and perseverance are the keys to success.”

Joaquin del Olmo | Sales Specialist at Tradeview Markets


You’ve probably heard the phrase “a stumble is not a fall” before. My name is Joaquín del Olmo, and I am from Mendoza, Argentina. I am here today to tell you about my experience with this phrase and how it relates to business and rugby. They are, believe it or not, linked.

Let us begin with the premise that there are obvious parallels to be drawn between the sports world and the business world. Now, I want to give you my perspective on why it is important to hire rugby players in a company. 

I’ll try to explain briefly how Rugby provides its players with a set of qualities that help them integrate into the corporate world and advance their professional careers. 

The rugby player understands the sacrifice demanded through effort and persistence. He doesn’t give up even when beaten. As in life and in the business world, in rugby you win and you lose.

We frequently experience physical injuries that prevent us from competing. That does not, however, preclude us from continuing to take part in the season with the team. We help with the props, carrying water onto the playing field. We recover and move on!

In business it is exactly the same. A stumble, a bad negotiation, does not mean that there won’t be opportunities for better negotiations in the future. 

Personally, I have experienced a number of injuries, including surgeries on both knees as a result of a severe hit and a growth issue. 

I’ve been playing for Old Blue, the best club in America, for the past four years, and I’m proud to represent them. Even more so given that Tradeview Markets, the club’s sponsor, gave me the chance to support myself along the way; they have my sincere gratitude for this opportunity. I am happy to be able to work with them and elaborate on and share my sports-related techniques.

Just as in the business world there is a leader or CEO, in rugby you have someone we call Coach. A coach is primarily responsible for assisting their team in winning competitions, rising up the division, and instilling discipline and effort as an important aspect of everyday training.

The same is true in business; teamwork, commitment to learning, and perseverance are the keys to success. Through his beliefs and character, the CEO is capable of leading his staff to achieve their objectives.

As in sports, the coach commands the helm and issues guidance to the players who look up to him as a leader. This is because he epitomizes rugby values such as passion, commitment, discipline, and camaraderie.

Rugby players understand the hard work and joint commitment it takes to succeed on the pitch and they work hard to make it happen. In rugby you take risks, you win and you lose.

As in the world of finance and trading, the championship can be defined in the last play. What matters is the journey and how much you trained your mind to achieve the final goal.

We at Tradeview want to hear from you if you are a successful trader who has overcome challenges to achieve greatness and is prepared to make a big difference in the fast-paced world of trading.

Rugby is undoubtedly a game that requires teamwork, organization, planning, analysis, and strategy. Trading is comparable since we must develop a strategic plan before closing a deal with a client.

As in rugby, teams compete with their respective offerings in the trading sector. We must examine our surroundings, both those that can work against us and those that can work in our favor.

A good pass could land you next to the last stretch; similarly, when selling the products and acquiring the benefit, you must be as precise as a last-second kick to win the championship.

The winning mentality must be prioritized; it is more essential than the outcome. At Tradeview, we help people as well as companies in their business growth from inception to maturity.

We understand that rugby players respect the colors and feel a sense of belonging to their respective clubs, which is why Tradeview demands self-confidence, self-motivation and self-discipline just like the rugby player feels.

Tradeview is more than just a Forex company; we take great pride in offering outstanding customer service and, like in the game, you are awarded for achieving the established goals. We appreciate the effort and spend time together at meals, outings, and team dinners. Every game ends with a third half, just like in rugby.

We gladly accompany those who want to invest in our business, we advise them so that they feel comfortable and can share their ideas and thus grow together. Unity is strength, that’s why large companies around the world unite with Tradeview, so that we can provide our services.

Eliminate your doubts, change your beliefs and put the pressure aside. Pressure is a constant in life, pressure to meet a deadline, give a speech, play a final.

But what would happen if we used that pressure to turn it into an advantage? It would be a skill even for the business field. Rugby players turn this pressure into confidence by employing proven strategies.

We look forward to hearing from you! Remove the obstacles that prevent you from moving forward, and begin with a brief conversation. This is your chance to enter the market if you are a trader who plays rugby or another sport and is interested in the financial world. What are you waiting for? Sign up now!



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