Category: Stocks


 When trading or even reading market news we hear about Sentiment Index and/or Market Sentiment. We tend to see that there is a relation between these and market fluctuations. Below we discuss Why does this happen and how is it measured. But first, let's dive into what the Sentiment Index and the Market Sentiment are: The …

  I asked myself how it felt to be a woman in trading. I was surprised by how my brain started showing me my trading journey. It was not a single emotion or one unique feeling. It was a rollercoaster!!  The first thing that came to my mind were the first days at the company: …

Argentina's flag surrounded by arrows, symbolizing analysis of GDP projections and stock market performance.

“Argentina's economic outlook for 2024 is marked by significant uncertainties, with projections varying from a substantial GDP decline to possible recovery scenarios based on the success of fiscal policies.”Real GDP ProjectionsArgentina's economic outlook for the next few years presents a mixed picture, influenced by significant fiscal and monetary adjustments under the new administration. The International …

MicroStrategy Has Risen Almost 1,100% Since its 2020 Bitcoin Pivot.ECB´s Monetary Policy to Ease Gradually as Markets Brace for June Rate Cut.The International Monetary Fund (IMF) raised its forecast for China’s growth this year to 5%, up from 4.6%, citing strong first-quarter performance and recent policy measures.Two weeks ago, Chinese authorities introduced extensive measures to …

A collection of Christmas candles resembling trading candlesticks, featuring vibrant green and red flames.

“Master candlestick patterns to decode market sentiment, identify trends, and illuminate your path to trading success.” Oliver Garcia | Market Analyst ogarcia@tvmarkets.comLinkedin As a beginner trader, navigating the vast world of technical analysis can be overwhelming. One of the most popular and valuable tools for analyzing market trends and making profitable trades is candlestick patterns. …

 IntroductionThe world of finance has undergone a remarkable transformation in recent years. Thanks to advancements in technology, financial services that were once exclusive to the elite are now accessible to the masses. This shift has democratized finance, allowing individuals from all walks of life to invest, trade, and manage their money with unprecedented ease and …

A drawing depicting two lines interconnected by a pink and yellow line, symbolizing business cycles and their dynamics.

How Business Cycles Affect Market Industry Sectors Many investors are always looking for the next investment opportunity and trying to determine how trends can and do affect the market and industry performance. To truly be a successful investor, it is not about performing the same as the market but outperforming the market performance. To do …

 TWITTER´S DEBACLE: THE CIRCUS PLAY KEEPS ROLLING! (PART 2) If you want to know the full story and the overall market analysis make sure to check PART 1: The Twitter Transition!Elon Musk´s tweet on December 10th, 2022 tweet raises even more concerns than the platform transition and aftermath. Since the negotiation process began, it appears that …

Less than a year ago, FTX was valued at $32 billion dollars and was the world’s second-largest cryptocurrency exchange. That’s pretty impressive considering FTX was co-founded by Sam Bankman-Fried, aka SBF, when he was just 26 years old in 2019. He also co-founded Alameda Research, a quantitative cryptocurrency trading firm. Both businesses were enormously successful.To put …
