Category: Futures


As traders, we can face multiple challenges: uncertainty, risk management, unexpected market moves, and much more.  One of the biggest risks is to blow up our trading account.  This article will discuss activities, trading patterns, and views to prevent you from blowing up your trading account. Our goal is to help you spot bad habits …

Trader analyzing futures market data on Tradeview Markets platform for risk management and diversification

“Futures have several significant advantages over stocks and options. They do, however, use more leverage, which can be both beneficial and risky.” Futures trading may offer active traders a variety of advantages given the recent increases in risk, volatility, and market uncertainty. However, due to the inherent risk and contract sizes, the positions will move …

It seems Crypto giants keep running into major issues. First FTX files for bankruptcy and Sam Bankman-Fried faces fraud charges, now it turns out Binance´s system of fund storage has “errors.”   Binance has mixed collateral and customer funds in a common account. Reserves of almost half of the 94 different coins that Binance issues known …

Illustration of a Christmas tree with trading charts

“Don’t get too emotional. Some people may have had a bad year with trading and will “double down” to end the year on a high. This very rarely works. Keep to your long-term goals.” Ben Sadgrove | Chief Operations Officer at Tradeview Markets Linkedin The Holiday season might be the most exciting part of the …

In the world of trading, there are many choices you will make. How much should you risk per trade? Which market is the best at any given time? How far should your stop loss be set?  However, before answering any of these questions, you must make one of the most important decisions: Which trading platform …

A stock trader with a cat on the table

Industry: Finance Tradeview Markets’ Cayman Island-based Broker/Dealer, Tradeview Ltd, announces the launch of its newly established Futures Division George Town, Cayman Islands (PRUnderground) March 29th, 2022 Tradeview Markets’ Cayman Island-based Broker/Dealer, Tradeview Ltd, (Tradeview) announces the launch of its newly established Futures Division. Tradeview’s new division will facilitate client access to the Global Derivatives market via Tradeview’s …

Trading without ego leads to clearer decisions.

Three men are in a car driving down a city street early one morning. The car pulls up at a stoplight, and crossing the street in front of the car is a beautiful young lady who catches the attention of all three men. Her beauty is particularly apparent because she is wearing no clothes. The …
