A Woman’s Trading Journey


I asked myself how it felt to be a woman in trading. I was surprised by how my brain started showing me my trading journey. It was not a single emotion or one unique feeling. It was a rollercoaster!!  The first thing that came to my mind were the first days at the company: Tradeview Markets. As in every new job I had begun, the first thing I did was to observe the dynamics. I told myself “You are going to wait and learn, then you will jump all the way to it!” … But that initiative only lasted 24 hours!  

The feeling I could identify in me within the next few days was undefinable. I was overwhelmed by the numbers my fellow brokers turn in every week. I wanted to be like them so badly, I wished I could snap my fingers and learn all about trading instantaneously (I did try that at night before going to bed some days in a row, trying to obey my new desire). In case you wonder if it did not work ASAP, it did not, I am still learning. 

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As weeks passed, I started to feel that trading was like climbing Mt. Everest, but not in a sense of an unreachable task. In the sense that I knew an awesome journey was awaiting for me, that there were a lot of peaks I wanted to reach, and that I would never get tired of trying and give all my effort to reach my objectives. 

I discovered that the Back Office team had everything I would need for my journey ready for me. I also observed how client service was always available to assist with last-minute issues or unexpected twists. Senior brokers were always there to answer my questions and to prepare me with what I needed to reach my first peak. Even better,the company CEO was always giving us incredible talks about discipline, objectives, tools, and more. 

When the day came that they thought I was ready to start climbing, they simply patted me on the back and gave me the opportunity.. By that time I was eager for adventure and scared at the same time. 

I started walking slowly forging my own path and as the days passed by I discovered a new me had taken shape. I was even stronger, fearless, and determined. I discovered that even as I was making my own path I was never alone. That “let go” moment that caused fear was transformed into a “inspiration moment” over time.

Maybe some other day I will tell you more about my journey. But right now what I can say is that there is not a single day I regret the decision I made. Without a doubt, I had to choose I would pick that option over and over again!

While writing these words I have realized my journey might not be very different from the ones new traders face all the time. Being a woman in the predominantly male trading industry has been fantastic. 

Maybe the reason for it is that I had the luck of finding incredible coworkers, who become my friends after a while … and maybe my fantastic journey is also due to the fact that I started working for one of the best brokerage companies out there. 

I cannot promise your trading experience as a woman will be the same as mine, but I can tell you that with Tradeview Markets, you will become a greater Rock Star!

Author: Sara Obando Romero

 I asked myself how it felt to be a woman in trading. I was surprised by how my brain started showing me my trading journey. It was not a single emotion or one unique feeling. It was a rollercoaster!!  The first thing that came to my mind were the first days at the company: Tradeview …



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